A short summary

Hey! Unfortunately we don't yet have a full-scale article on Lucha baltu. However, here is a short summary of what we know about it so far.
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Lucha baltu

Lucha baltu is a traditional wrestling style, originating from Principality of Asturias, Spain.
It allows grips on the opponent's garments, and doesn’t allow grip fighting/changing grips during the match.
Two versions of rules for grips: lucha a petrina (one hand grips the opponents' belt, the other grips the garment above the shoulder), and lucha cuerpo a cuerpo (both wrestlers take an over-under grip, and clasp their hands behind each other's back).


Regarding Lucha baltu's arsenal of techniques, we know that leg techniques (hooks, sweeps, ect.) are allowed, and that leg grabs, pins, submission holds and striking are not utilized.


Throw the opponent to the ground.


We don't yet know where (on what surface) the matches traditionally take place. We also don't have information about the usual match duration.

We don't know if any weight classes are established. Neither, if women are allowed to participate in Lucha baltu competitions or not.

Some external resources on Lucha baltu: